Why Shell Scripting is Important in DevOps?

Benefits of Using Shell Scripting to Improve Automation in DevOps

The main use of shell scripting, a programming language created specifically for the Linux kernel, is to automate repetitive processes carried out on operating systems.

For Example:

  • Monitoring system resources

  • Automating Code Compilation and Commands

  • Managing user accounts and files

Because it is widely available on all Linux command lines and used on Linux Terminal, the Shell is quite well-liked. As shell communicates with the operating system via the command line interface, this helps to lower the hardware's graphics resources.

The most useful commands which we can use by the help of Shell Scripting

# Author: Suyash Gaikwad
# Date: 15/01/25
# The most useful Commands of Shell


top      #The command top is used to retrive your linux machine performance.
nproc    #The command nproc is used to get the number of CPU's being used in your Machine.
free     #The command Free is used to check the meomery availability in your system.
df       #The command df is used to check disk utilisation in your machine. 
curl     #The command curl is used to get information on your terminal from the internet
chmod    #The command chmod is used to modify the permissions
grep     #The command grep is used to search the specific content in the terminal 
|        #The command PIPE is used to redirect the results of the first command to the second command
awk      #The command awk is used to scan the file or raw webpage (LogFile) to search and list content

This is what I have learned about the shell and shell scripting. Try all of these commands to get a clear idea and consider automating tasks that are repetitive in your daily life. Thank you so much for reading!